2024 | Volume 25 | Issue 3

The Foundation for Surgery 2024 Pledge-a-Procedure Appeal is raising much needed funds. Donations enable visiting medical teams to provide vital and critical surgical and specialised medical care and undertake surgical procedures for children with a variety of conditions in the Indo-Pacific region.
In 2024, our Pledge-a-Procedure campaign is focusing on children who are most vulnerable to injury and illness.
Your donation will assist RACS Global Health to deploy Paediatric Surgery teams to our program countries. We plan to deploy three paediatric teams to Timor-Leste, Fiji, and Samoa this year. Your support will help fund these trips, including providing more visits to other countries.
It is anticipated that the visits will include helping patients with Hirschsprung’s disease, bladder stones, undescended testes, hernias, ano-rectal malformation and proximal hypospadias, and other emergency paediatric cases.
Donations can be made until 30 June 2024.
Click to Donate Now and select Pledge-a-Procedure under the campaign options.