Dr Christopher 'Chris' Allan
Dr Allan attained his primary medical degree with the University of Queensland in 1996 and his Fellowship in General Surgery with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2006. He attained a Master of Philosophy research degree with the University of Queensland in 2005 in breast cancer vaccine development at the Mater Medical Research Institute. He completed two years of subspecialty training in Breast and Endocrine Surgery at the Mater Hospital Brisbane followed by Melanoma and Soft Tissue Sarcoma Surgery at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London. He is a Senior Lecturer with the University of Queensland School of Medicine. He is a VMO Surgeon at the Mater Public and Private Hospitals and Princess Alexandra Hospital Melanoma Unit. His specialty interests include General Surgery and Surgical Oncology, in particular Melanoma, Soft Tissue Tumours, Breast and Thyroid Cancer.
- Breast
- Skin Melanoma
- Endocrine
- Surgical Oncology
- University of Queenslandc Senior Lecturer
- BreastSurgANZc Member
- Primary medical degree MBBS
- Research degree MPhil
- General surgery fellowship FRACS