Prof Klaus-Martin Schulte
KMS has 20 years of speciality experience in endocrine surgery and major interest in endocrine cancer of thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and extraadrenal locations including neck, chest, abdomen and retroperitoneum.
General Surgery
Areas of Practice
- Skin Melanoma
- Trauma
- Upper Gastrointestinal-Hepatopancreatobiliary
- Colorectal
- Endocrine
- Obesity
- Surgical Oncology
Professional Associations
- Professional associationsa
- - Professor Chair of Surgery at the Australian National University (main position)
- - honorary VMO as General Surgeon at The Canberra Hospital
- - Reader of Endocrine Surgery at Kings College Londonc UK
- - Professor extraordinarius of Surgery at the University of Dusseldorfc Germany
- - Consultant Endocrine Surgeon at Kings College Hospital Londonc UK (part-time since )
- Membershipa
- - German Society of Surgery
- - Endocrine Society of the United States
- - German Society of Scientists and Physicians (GDNA)
- - International Society of Surgery (ISS)
- - International Association of Endocrine Surgeons (IAES)
- - German Society of Visceral Surgery
- - French Association of Endocrine Surgeons (AFCE)
- - British Association of Endocrine ampb Thyroid Surgeons (BAETS)
- - Fellow ad eundem of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS)
- - Osler Club London
- - British Society for the History of Medicine (BSHM)
- - International Transplant Society and IPATA
- - Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Professional Qualifications
- Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England ad eundem FRCS
- Medical Doctor MD