Professor Wanda Stelmach
Wanda Stelmach is a senior general surgeon specialising in breast and general surgery. She pracitces full-time in public health at Northern Health and at Breast Screen Victoria. Appointments with Ms Stelmach can be made through the Northern Health website either at The Northern Hospital and at Broadmeadows Hospital. She is also the Divisional Director Surgery, Anaesthesia and Peri-Operative Medicine Service at Northern Health. Ms Stelmach is a member of the Post-Graduate Medical Council Victoria (PMCV) Accreditation Committee, a member of North Eastern Metropolitan Intergrated Cancer Services (NEMICS) Clinical Reference Group, a member of the Victorian Audit of Surgical Mortality (VASM) Working Party Discussion Group and a member of the Governance Group Directors Surgery (RACS).
- Breast
- MBBS (Melbourne)
- BSc (Monash)
- ACHSM Assoc Fellow