Dr Roger Haddad
Roger is an experienced specialist plastic surgeon working in St Vincent's Private Hospital, Sydney. He has special interests in Facial Skin cancer, Breast reconstruction, DIEP flap reconstruction, Breast reduction, Body contouring after weight loss, and Microsurgery. Roger is locally trained in Sydney, and has additional fellowship training in Stuttgart, Germany. This Department is Germany's busiest in terms of autologous breast reconstruction, replantation, nasal reconstruction, and breast reduction procedures. Roger completed his medical training at the University of New South Wales, with first class honors. He further received the prestigious John Loewenthal Scholarship for his Master of Surgery degree at the University of Sydney. He was recipient of the Gordon Gordon Taylor medal for the highest performance in Australia in the part one College of Surgeons examinations. He has an interest in Anatomy, teaching and research, and is appointed at major tertiary hospitals including Royal Prince Alfred and St Vincents. He is best contacted through his office on 91014700.
- Breast
- Hand
- Skin Cancer-Melanoma
- Microsurgery
- Royal Australiasian College of Surgeons
- Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons
- University of New South Wales Alumni
- BSc(med) MBBS (honours class )
- MS
- FRACS (Plast.)