DR Exercise

We will be carrying out our annual Disaster Recovery exercise on Friday 5th and Saturday 6th July 

This involves moving our production systems to our DR site and back to RACS.

During this time, the following systems will be offline:

       - Access to the RACS website
       - Access to applications that require a login:
         Portfolio, iMIS, Great Plains, eCommittees, Library, MALT, BAS, SIMG Online Application, IMG Progress Report, Mini-CEX, DOPS and              Provider Portal.

The following dates and times are when systems will be offline:

  • Friday 5th July (Failover to DR Site)
    Outage: 5:00pm - 11:00PM
  •  Saturday 6th July (Failover back to RACS)
     Outage: 8:00am - 2:00PM

What is a Disaster Recovery Failover exercise? 

Disaster Recovery exercises are conducted to simulate potential emergency situations and validate our preparedness in handling such events. They enable us to assess the effectiveness of our DR plans, identify any areas that require improvement, and enhance our ability to respond swiftly and efficiently in real-life scenarios