While restrictions on speed are an important safety measure, they are one component of a much broader road safety strategy. Other factors include raising community awareness and promoting safer driving practices, and investing in infrastructure projects that will enhance the quality and condition of Northern Territory roads.
The National Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020 (NRSS), to which the Northern Territory government is a signatory, analyses road safety risks in terms of the elements of the Safe Systems Approach to Road Safety and makes strong recommendations as to how individual components of these major elements can contribute to reductions in fatalities and serious injuries. The comprehensive discussion paper that has been developed by the Northern Territory government appears to reflect this mindset. We hope that this will lead to meaningful policy development and promote a safer driving culture, and most importantly save lives.
Our response is divided in to the following six sections as per the discussion paper:
- Alcohol and drugs
- Seatbelts and child restraints
- Speed and driving conditions
- Roads and roadsides
- Vulnerable road users
- Other key actions
Read the complete submission at the link below.