In  this submission RACS outlines funding measures to achieve a variety of aims.These aims are:

  1. Building respectful and safe workplaces for all who work in surgery and the wider health sector
  2. Guaranteeing the public sector provides timely access to essential surgery
  3. Expanding surgical (and other specialist) services in rural areas
  4. Expanding surgical (and other specialist) services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  5. Recruiting, training and incentivising operating room and post anaesthesia care unit (PACU) nurses
  6. Implementing appropriate policy to improve surgical registry participation, and a sustainable funding model for surgical registries
  7. Ensuring the private sector continues to alleviate pressure on public waiting lists
  8. Ensuring equitable access to telehealth
  9. Reducing the burden of trauma
  10. Safeguarding the health of all Australians from the threat of climate change
  11. Committing to health security and long-term health systems strengthening in Papua New Guinea