The training management platform aims to deliver a single, standard digital channel for surgical training and will support Trainees, trainers and supervisors throughout the surgical training program from start to end.
Replacing the onerous paper-based, manual process which lent little visibility of the complete training journey, the new online platform will provide surgical Trainees and supervisors with an all-encompassing view of the entire surgical training program. Trainees will experience increased support and enhanced engagement in real time and on the go.
We expect the training management platform to eventually become a ‘surgical passport’ for Trainees. Trainees will be able to manage their training requirements as defined by the curriculum set by the respective training board. Use of the platform will be easy and intuitive. They will also be able to manage their rotations and view their progress and performance throughout the Surgical Education and Training (SET) Program.
The initial release of the training management platform on 1 February 2022 is available to early SET Trainees, and their trainers and supervisors from the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons, Australian & New Zealand Society of Cardiac & Thoracic Surgeons and the Australian and New Zealand Association of Paediatric Surgeons to use when Term 1 2022 commences.
The training management platform will allow RACS to continue to support ongoing development, maintenance of expertise and lifelong learning in surgery. We plan to extend the use of the platform to more specialties as we develop capabilities that will allow us to refine our offering to meet each specialty’s requirements.
If you are a training manager and would like to learn more about using the training management platform for your specialty, please contact Bill Mezzetti. If you are a SET Trainee and would like to investigate using the platform, please contact your specialty society or training board to indicate your interest.