Implementation of Colonoscopy item changes
The Department of Health has written to RACS (PDF 625.96KB) to advise that existing colonoscopy MBS items (32090 and 32093) should continue to be used until further notice, to ensure patients continue to have access to Medicare-funded colonoscopy services.
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation - listing on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS)
From 1 November 2017, transcatheter aortic valve implanatation (TAVI) and associated services will be available on the MBS for patients who are symptomatic with severe stenosis and who are deemed to be at high risk for surgical aortic valve replacement or who would otherwise be inoperable.
More information can be found on the RACS website (PDF 590.49KB) or at MBS Online. If you have any comments, please contact us at [email protected].
Changes to Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) to exclude claiming of items in association with insertion of the AspireAssist weight loss system
The Department of Health has written to RACS in relation to concerns that some practitioners may be claiming current MBS items for insertion of the Aspire Assist system (30481, 30482 and 30483). The Department intends to restrict any relevant MBS items to prevent potential inappropriate claiming of items in association with insertion of the AspireAssist system. Claiming for items in relation to new techniques used for the treatment of clinical obesity such as endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty and gastric balloon techniques may also be effected.
Read the full letter (PDF 1.04MB) and if you have any comments please contact us at: [email protected]
Private Health Facilities Regulation 2017 (Queensland)
Revised regulations relating to private health facilities in Queensland have been approved and will come into effect on 1 January 2018. A number of specified surgical procedures (primarily carried out for cosmetic purposes) have been prescribed and must only be performed in private health facilities licensed by QLD Health to carry out surgical procedures at level 3 or above. Penalties may apply for practitioners who do not comply.
Further information can be found on the website (PDF 306.08KB) or at Queensland Health.
New and Amended MBS Listings - Effective 1 November
Following on from the Australian Government's announcement in the 2017-2018 budget, the Department of Health has released a revised listing of new and amended services.
A copy of the changes is available on the website (PDF 300.28KB).