This year has delivered unprecedented challenges across the health sector, with COVID-19 impacting so many of us both professionally and privately.

At RACS we continue to monitor and adjust to these circumstances, and have responded with updates to the CPD requirements in 2020.

After careful consideration, the Executive of the Professional Development and Standards Board determined that the CPD year will remain at 1 January to 31 December 2020. Activities should be entered into CPD Online by no later than 28 February 2021.

In recognition of the impact 2020 has had on so many of us, the following adjustments to CPD requirements have been made:

  • Up to 10 points can be claimed for COVID activities in Category 2: Clinical Governance. This will meet the full requirement for this category in 2020.
  • An additional 10 points can be claimed for General Activities in Category 3: Maintenance of Knowledge and Skills. This increases the annual threshold to 30 points and recognises the significant reading and research activities many surgeons have undertaken this year.
  • To assist in meeting the Category 4: Reflective Practice requirement, an online activity is under development and will be available to all CPD participants in October


RACS Fellows and surgeons participating in the CPD program have consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to participation and compliance - we will not be undertaking verification of CPD activities for 2020.

In the coming months we look forward to providing you with information on the updates to the CPD program including education opportunities, CPD tools and an improved online experience.

We understand that COVID-19 has impacted each of us differently. If you have any concerns about meeting your CPD requirements this year, please contact the CPD Team on +61 3 9249 1166 or [email protected] to discuss ways we can help.  Please visit our CPD webpage for more information.

This information was sent to all RACS members in an email on Wednesday 23 September.