As part of the One College Transformation program, we are upgrading and enhancing our current member profile platform, which is outdated and limited in its self-service capability.
We want to improve your online experience with the College by progressively replacing your ePortfolio with Microsoft Dynamics 365, which will be mobile, secure, and connected to all College platforms, instead of working in a silo.
The new platform will be called eHub, and it will personalise content for you, our members, providing you with a 360-degree view of your information and overall journey with RACS. We are reducing inefficiency in our systems to improve value for you. Using one platform for all our existing functions, which are currently spread out over numerous platforms throughout the College, will help us to personalise and extend the service we provide our members.
We plan to launch the initial upgrades for eHub on 8 February 2021. When you log in to your member profile, you will see a few changes when you click on ‘My Details’ and ‘My CPD’.
1. When you log in to your member profile, you will see an enhanced log in page.
2. When you click on ‘My Details’ in your profile, you will see a new and improved modern profile section where you can update your:
- contact details
- areas of practice
- emergency contact information
- dietary requirements for events
- communication preferences.
3. When you click on ‘My CPD’, you will be able to navigate to the new interim CPD system by clicking on ‘CPD 2021’ where you can:
- create your 2021 CPD Learning Plan
- submit an exemption request
- download your 2021 CPD statement (when made available by RACS).
These improved features will set us up to serve you in an enhanced, more personalised way in future. This is the first release of several that are scheduled to occur over 2021. We look forward to sharing updates with you as we progress on the work and planning required.
The vision of the One College Transformation initiative is to build robust, integrated RACS governance, management and infrastructure, which supports all Fellows and provides greater opportunities to be involved in, and feel part of, the capability the College offers the Fellowship, aspiring Fellows, and the surgical profession.
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.