The RACS Wellbeing Working Group is supporting research on healthcare worker wellbeing to be undertaken by the University of Melbourne in 2021. Specifically, the College is promoting a recruitment drive to identify doctors who are willing to volunteer for confidential interviews.

Associate Professor Marie Bismark, RACS Wellbeing Working Group member and Head of the University of Melbourne’s Law and Public Health Group, has been awarded a $1 million National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Investigator Grant on healthcare worker wellbeing.  

The comprehensive study will:

  • explore the impact of regulatory notifications on healthcare workers to improve support
  • conduct a ten year study of regulator data to identify risk concerns for doctors
  • identifying strengths of clinicians who thrive in medicine, including doctors supported by compassionate leaders
  • explore workplace safety issues impacting on healthcare worker wellbeing 
  • understand whether impaired practitioners experience poor health outcomes as the result of responding to notifications/ claims or whether these are pre-existing.  


Volunteer recruitment 

Are you a Younger Fellow within your first five years of Fellowship?

Are you a RACS member who has a lived experience of impairment and a medico legal claim or complaint in the last two years?

If you are interested in contributing to the research projects, please refer to the attached flyers or contact Kylie Mahoney, Fellowship Services at [email protected] or +61 3 9276 7494.