The ongoing pandemic and the virulent spread of the Delta strain is causing much concern in our communities. We hope that you and your families are as well as can be.

At times like this it is important to pay attention to our wellbeing and that of our loved ones. You may be aware that we’ve just launched a Wellbeing Charter for Doctors (PDF 909.03KB). The Charter reminds us to look after ourselves so that we are in the best possible shape to manage the physical and emotional demands of medicine. 

We owe each other a timely reminder that we have duty of care to be vaccinated. We have direct contact with patients and other health workers, and we should take every precaution to prevent them from inadvertently getting infected. 

We are also aware that this challenging time brings various restrictions such as pauses on elective surgery which naturally result in questions. We encourage you to adhere to the guidelines provided by your respective chief medical officer, specialty society sources and health jurisdiction. Our specialty societies will be updating their guidelines on safe surgery for more guidance.

While surgeons are familiar with the categories of priority when it comes to elective surgery, there may be times where you have concerns about the urgency of cases presented to you. In such instances, we recommend that you take a peer review approach to assist you reach a fair decision.

Our ongoing guidance to you will be underpinned by the following principles:

  • Ensure that you provide optimal care to your patients 
  • Assist your patients to understand how they can best manage themselves in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
  • Adhere to the requirements of the relevant healthcare jurisdiction
  • Be mindful of the requirements of your hospital and specialty society
  • Keep an eye on staffing levels to ensure you can provide the best care for your patients
  • Be mindful and respectful of Trainees in your charge and all healthcare workers providing care
  • Ensure there is adequate personal protective equipment available.

We have, collectively, set a sterling example of collaboration in managing this pandemic. Let’s keep up the good work. Together, we can achieve more. 


Dr Sally Langley              John Biviano
President                           Chief Executive Officer