Senior leaders in business, government, education and community have called on employers to continue to improve the representation of women in leadership, address resistance and be prepared to engage with the range of responses to gender equality initiatives.
Male Champions of Change, in partnership with Chief Executive Women, recently released a report titled "From Backlash to Buy- in" aimed at addressing some of the issues associated with change fatigue, in the gender equity arena.
Backlash and Buy In: Responding to the Challenges in Achieving Gender Equality released by Chief Executive Women and Male Champions of Change acknowledges that backlash is a natural part of change, that leaders must accept that gender equality initiatives are embraced by some and resisted by others, and make efforts to uncover the underlying drivers of resistance.
The report explains the drivers of resistance (lack of understanding, fear, change fatigue, cultural norms and industry norms) and provides guidance to help organisations understand and address a range of responses to gender equality strategies.
RACS Fellow and former RACS Vice President Professor Spencer Beasley ONZM is a Male Champion of Change. RACS believes championing the delivery of high quality surgical education and training also demands championing diversity, equity and inclusion.
Building a diverse and inclusive culture in the surgical profession is a key focus for RACS. The College is committed to setting the standards for valuing diversity and inclusion of gender, ethnicity, indigeneity, sexual orientation and identity, age, disability and religion, for participation in surgery and the College's governance and leadership roles. In particular, RACS is actively focusing on removing any barriers to the participation of women and increase their representation.
RACS continues to implement the Building Respect and Improving Patient Safety (BRIPS) Action Plan and maintain support for all our Fellows, Trainees, International Medical Graduates and partners in standing up to unfair treatment and advocating for change.
Download a copy of RACS' latest Building Respect, Improving Patient Safety progress report