Some College systems will be offline from 5pm on Friday 5 February 2021 to 11.59 AEDST on Sunday 7 February 2021 as part of an upgrade to your ePortfolio and the core relationship management system migration.
This activity is in line with the One College Transformation initiative, aimed at improving your member experience and will lead to a new and improved way of interacting with the college.
During the scheduled outage, the following activities will be impacted:
- ePortfolio
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
- Maintenance of Professional Standards (MOPS)
- Biannual Audit System (BAS)
- Morbidity Audit Logbook Tool system (MALT)
- online enrolments of exams, workshops and courses
- subscription application to Junior Doctors (JDocs)
- Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS) assessment
- Mini Clinical Examinations (Mini-CEX) assessment
- SIMG Progress Report assessment
- SIMG applications
- SET Registration and SET Application
- eCommittees
- Account Creation
- Forgot my username and/or password
- access to the library
- access to library request forms
Please note – Breast Surgeon Quality Audit (BQA) will not be impacted. If you have any further queries, please contact the RACS Service Desk via email at [email protected].