Dr Annette Holian, FRACS
Orthopaedic surgeon and group captain Annette Holian spoke about struggle and trauma in a war zone at this year's ANZAC Day dawn service address. She urged the thousands gathered on the Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance forecourt to ask veterans about their service.
Associate Professor Susan Neuhaus, FRACS
General Surgeon and Clinical Associate Professor Dr Susan Neuhaus explored the role of women in the Australian Defence Force, touching on her own experiences in the military and what Anzac Day means to her at this year's ANZAC Day dawn service address.
"You don't often hear women's stories because it's often the very stereotyped narrative of the male soldier in the slouch hat and the horse that we hear about," Dr Neuhaus said.
"I hope to be able to give women a voice and have a new generation understand there's a whole lot more complex a story around Anzac, that there's lots and lots of layers around it, not just this one story but how it's affected all of us and how it's created our society.
"I think that people need to understand it's not just a singular narrative, that there is so much around that of what people have done - lots of people have done, not just 100 years ago but in all the years since.
"I think we should all be proud of what they've done because that's given us the country we've got today. We have the freedoms that we've got because of what they've done for us, and I think sometimes this is one day in a year where we ask people to stop and acknowledge that.
"I have been really humbled being asked to do this and the faith the director and the War Memorial and the RSL of the ACT have put in me to deliver.
"It's such an overwhelming honour to be able to do this but with that comes a responsibility as well," she said.