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    A SIMG may apply directly to RACS for an Area of Need (AoN) assessment after they have:

    • secured an offer of employment in a designated AoN position;
    • apply directly to Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) Electronic Portfolio of International Credentials (EPC) for verification of both primary and specialist qualification (s); and
    • completed an Australian Medical Council (AMC) online application to establish an AMC portfolio.

    Note: An Area of Need Assessment process follows the same steps as a Specialist Assessment process, with the added requirement that RACS will assess the suitability of the Area of Need position, according to the position description.

    If a SIMG is assessed as partially or substantially comparable, however the AoN position is deemed not suitable, a SIMG may still pursue the specialist pathway and would be required to find another position suitable for clinical assessment purposes.