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    To be eligible to apply for assessment via the specialist recognition and/or area of need pathway, applicants require the following:

    A primary medical degree from a training institution listed on the World Directory of Medical Schools (WDOMS) website.

    A specialist surgical qualification in one of RACS’ nine surgical specialties

    Proof of sufficient English language proficiency (according to the requirements stipulated by the Medical Board of Australia - refer to “English language skills registration standard (medical)”)

    Primary Source Verification (applicants need to apply to the ECFMG for verification of their medical degree and specialist surgical qualification and establish a portfolio with the AMC, nominating RACS as their preferred specialist medical college)

    Proof of Recency of Practice as per RACS’ regulation: Assessing a Specialist International Medical Graduate’s Comparability to an Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Trained Surgical Specialist (refer to Point 3)

    The SIMG Specialist Assessment Eligibility Quiz is available to prospective applicants as a self-assessment tool, designed to help SIMGs determine their eligibility to apply for an assessment.