Apply for the Australian specialist and/or AoN assessment pathway
In Australia
RACS is receiving an unprecedented number of incomplete specialist assessment applications which is significantly impacting processing times.
To ensure applications can be processed within a timely manner, SIMG applicants must submit all required documentation when applying to RACS.
- Read the Checklist for Specialist and/or Area of Need Assessment (PDF 137.48KB)
- Read the Assessing a Specialist International Medical Graduate’s Comparability to an Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Trained Surgical Specialist Regulation
- Take the SIMG Specialist Assessment Eligibility Quiz: SIMG Specialist Assessment Eligibility Quiz
If RACS determines that an application is incomplete, the SIMG applicant will be asked to provide the missing documents within 60 days from date of request.
Should the missing documents not be provided within 60 days, the application will be withdrawn and the SIMG applicant will need to reapply.
Where an application has been reviewed by RACS and is withdrawn due to missing documentation, a 90% refund of the application fee will be issued, with 10% to be withheld for administrative costs.
NOTE: RACS relies on documentation provided by SIMG applicants and is not obliged to seek additional information. It is therefore the responsibility of SIMG applicants to ensure that they have a clear understanding of the specialist assessment process and that they address all eligibility and assessment criteria.
NOTE: By submitting a complete application, this does not mean that your application will be successful and/or that you will be offered a specialist pathway at the conclusion of the specialist assessment process.
Once the above has been completed, please access the online application form
Compatible technologies
The online SIMG application form for Specialist and/or Area of Need assessment can be used on both PC and Apple tablets and computers. It is best used with the following browsers:
Internet Explorer 9 & 10
Firefox 28.0 +
Chrome 33.0 +
Safari 5.1.7 +
There are known issues with IE 11 and it is not supported in the current release.
If you are having trouble logging on to the application form, please contact the help desk on +61 3 9276 7417 or email [email protected].
For further information regarding the online application forms, call +61 3 9249 1112 or email [email protected]
In New Zealand
In New Zealand, International Medical Graduates (IMGs) must submit applications to practice medicine to the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ). Application forms are available on the MCNZ website.