WAASM commenced formal collaboration with the Western Australian Anaesthetic Mortality Review Committee (WAAMRC) in March 2018. The approval for this collaboration was agreed at the March 2018 meeting of the WA branch of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.
The WAASM reports to the Data Manager, Statutory Mortality Committee, Public Health and Clinical Services, on a monthly basis irrespective of there being cases or not. The Chief Health Officer, Department of Health, is notified by letter only in the event of a relevant case.
These cases are referred to the WAAMRC for an anaesthetic assessment, with the aim of closing the loop. The WAAMRC notifies WAASM when cases have been assessed.
Developments in the surgical mortality audits comprise the inclusion of our Gynaecological colleagues into WAAASM. The audit is notified of all deaths occurring after a gynaecological surgical procedure.
Participation by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (RANZCOG) Fellows is currently considered voluntary under RANZCOG CPD requirements.